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Language: English
2019 SPE Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention
To be able to promote effective anti-colonial and decolonial education, it is imperative that educators employ indigenous epistemologies that seek to threaten, replace and reimagine colonial thinking and practice. Indigeneity and Decolonial Resistance hopes to contribute to the search for a more radical decolonial education and practice that allows for the coexistence of, and conversation among, “multiple-epistemes.” The book approaches the topics from three perspectives:
• the thought that our epistemological frameworks must consider the body of the knowledge producer, place, history, politics and contexts within which knowledge is produced,
• that the anti-colonial is intimately connected to decolonization, and by extension, decolonization cannot happen solely through Western science scholarship, and
• that the complex problems and challenges facing the world today defy universalist solutions, but can still be remedied.
Indigeneity and Decolonial Resistance is an excellent text for use in a variety of upper-division undergraduate and graduate classrooms. It is also a valuable addition to the libraries of writers and researchers interested in indigenous studies and decolonialism.
Perfect for courses such as: Anti-Colonial Thought, Indigenous Knowledges, and Decolonization, Education, Social Development, and Social Justice Research in Education, Race, Indigeneity, and the Colonial Politics of Recognition, Marginality and the Politics of Resistance, Indigenous Settler Relations Issues for Teachers, Education Leadership, Reform, and Curriculum Innovation, Leadership in Social-Change Organizations, Adaptive Leadership: Power, Identity, and Social Change, Equity & Anti-Oppression in Practice and the Promise of Diversity: Addressing Race and Power in Education Settings, Strategies and Policies for Narrowing Racial Achievement, and Major Concepts and Issues in Education.
“Back in the Day”
Phyllis McKenna
1. Indigeneity and Decolonial Resistance: An Introduction
George J. Sefa Dei and Cristina Sherry Jaimungal
2. Decolonial Latinx Feminist Spiritual Practices in Processes of Decolonization
Carolina Rios Lezama
3. (Re)Claiming Spirituality as Anti-Colonial Resistance and Decolonial Praxis: An Africana-Feminist Discussion on Spirituality and Indigenous Knowledges in Education
Janelle Brady
4. Reflections on the Implications of Western Theories on Indigenous Populations: Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Classroom
Cristina Bianchi
5. Decolonizing the Geography Classroom: A Call to Action for Educators to Reimagine Pedagogy of Place
Jessica Peden
6. “Indigenous Knowledges”: Issues of Commodification, Privatization, and Intellectual Property Rights
Mandeep Jajj
7. Decolonization Through Decentralization
Rachel Buchanan
8. The Role of English Education in Post-Colonial Egypt: Criticisms and Solutions for the Future
Hagger Said
9. Education in Somalia: The Role of International Organizations in Formal Education
Shukri Hilowle
10. Development, Research, and the Commodification of Poverty in Africa: Rethinking Research Narratives
Wambui Karanja
11. Dreaming Our Way to New Decolonial and Educational Futurities: Charting Pathways of Hope
Kimberly L. Todd
Who Am I? (Poetry)
Phyllis McKenna
Decolonization (Think Piece)
Phyllis McKenna
Author Profiles
"Challenging the tropes of dominant sociopolitical theory, Indigeneity and Decolonial Resistance is a bold, brazen and uncompromising collection of essays that stands at the cutting edge of decolonial studies."
"Boldly unmasking and challenging the colonial logic that underpins homogenizing classroom instruction across the disciplines and affirming the anti-colonial theoretical foundations of epistemic resistance rooted in indigenous spirituality, ways of knowing and being, this visionary collection offers vital conceptual tools and pedagogical possibilities that are bound to advance the global struggle for humanizing knowledge production and anti-racist education practice."
Joyce E. King, PhD, Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair for Urban Teaching, Learning & Leadership, Georgia State University, USA