Promoting a growth mindset in PreK-12 schools is a valuable educational trend, based on the idea that students who believe they can grow and improve will succeed more easily. However, when students struggle academically, there’s often an undergirded assumption that they—and sometimes their families—are not trying hard enough or they just need to fit into a standardized mold. This deficit thinking places blame on students’ perceived limitations and can lead to lower expectations or biases toward students who come from diversified backgrounds, encompassing ability, socioeconomic status, race, language, gender, or culture. As an alternative approach, this book promotes the universal adoption of Asset-Based Practices (ABPs). ABPs encourage educators to see and honor the strengths in each student’s identity. ABPs shift our focus to the assets that students and families bring into the classroom, viewing differences as resources rather than obstacles. This means recognizing and building on students’ cultural, linguistic, and community-based knowledge to make learning richer and more inclusive for everyone.
Implementing an asset-based approach can transform our classrooms. Research shows that students perform better and feel more motivated when they’re recognized and valued for who they are. Bringing students’ lived experiences into the curriculum can help them develop positive identities and a stronger sense of belonging, which boosts their academic and social growth. Instead of focusing on “fixing” students, ABPs ask us to adapt our teaching to connect with students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences, coupled with recognizing the wealth of knowledge that students bring from their families and communities.
Switching to an asset-based approach helps us move away from simply encouraging perseverance or grit in students. Instead, it invites us to take responsibility for creating an environment where every student feels they belong and can succeed. With ABPs, we’re able to create more inclusive and affirming classrooms for all students, where their identities are seen as strengths, not obstacles, and where their cultural, linguistic, and community knowledge is a foundation for learning.
Innovative and creative methodologies and practices that aspiring and practicing educators can use right away are the primary focus of this book. Because the editors and contributors are former or current PreK-12 practitioners, and many are also educational scholars, this book is written for a broad educational audience. Moving from Trendy Growth in Favor of Asset-Based Mindsets is for both preservice and practicing teachers across PreK-12 grade levels, school types, and geographic regions looking to improve their practice. To accomplish this, the editors and contributors provide entry points for transforming the educational landscape in favor of liberatory, asset-based practices in PreK-12 schools.
Additionally, this book is ideal for teacher and administrator preparation programs, as well as PreK-12 professional development, because it guides readers through theoretical and empirical discussions, supported by hands-on applications that enable real-time application, and concludes with interactive features, like case studies, extension activities, and discussion prompts.
Library E-Books
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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In the challenging world of doctoral studies, where less than 5% of the U.S. population holds a doctorate degree, support and guidance are crucial for success. From ABD to PhD and EdD: Navigating the Final Stretch of Your Doctoral Journey offers a unique and powerful approach to completing your doctoral degree through the often-overlooked strategy of peer mentoring/coaching groups.
Drawing from years of experience mentoring doctoral students at prestigious institutions, Dr. Vickie E. Lake presents a comprehensive guide for both faculty and students. This book addresses the critical gap in support that many doctoral candidates face after completing their coursework, a period when guidance is most needed but often least available. From ABD to PhD and EdD is divided into three essential chapters:
- Doctoral Group Mentoring/Coaching: Learn the fundamentals of establishing and maintaining effective peer support groups. Understand the difference between mentoring and coaching, and how to leverage both for maximum benefit.
- Strategies for Success: Discover proven techniques for tackling each milestone of your doctoral journey, from comprehensive exams to the dissertation defense. This chapter offers practical advice on pre-writing strategies, time management, and overcoming common obstacles.
- Resources for Completion: Navigate the often-confusing world of university resources. Learn how to effectively utilize writing centers, librarians, graduate colleges, and professional organizations to support your research and writing process.
Whether you're a doctoral student feeling isolated in your research, a faculty member looking to better support your advisees, or a university administrator aiming to improve completion rates, this book offers invaluable insights. It emphasizes the power of collaboration over competition, showing how peer support can transform the often solitary doctoral journey into a shared path to success. With its blend of personal anecdotes, research-based strategies, and practical advice, From ABD to PhD and EdD is more than just a guide—it's a call to action for a more supportive and effective doctoral education system. By fostering a culture of peer mentoring/coaching, this book aims to not only increase doctoral completion rates but also to cultivate a new generation of scholars equipped to support and guide others. Don't let the challenges of doctoral studies overwhelm you. Discover the power of peer support and expert guidance with From ABD to PhD and EdD – your roadmap to achieving your doctorate and beyond.
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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Recognizing the "diversity crisis" in regards to the cultural dissonance between educators and their diverse students, Diversifying the Educator Pipeline provides a critical examination of the mistakes we have made in our efforts to bolster the presence of Black educators.
Grounded with the historical context of Black educators in America, Shaylyn Marks weaves research, practice and personal accounts to critically examine why efforts to diversify the educator pipeline have not yielded the desired results. With an analytical lens, the recruitment, preparation, and retention of Black educators is examined while offering alternative practices to strengthen these efforts. Acknowledging the cyclical nature of potential trauma and harm that occurs in educational spaces, insights and recommendations are provided for all stakeholders as a means to cultivate a diverse educator workforce that better supports and reflects diverse classrooms of students.
Diversifying the Educator Pipeline illuminates issues pertaining to the ways in which Black students and educators are disenfranchised, and serves as a call to action for the education community.
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
VitalSource offer a more seamless way to access the ebook, and add some great new features including text-to-voice. You own your ebook for life, it is simply hosted on the vendor website, working much like Kindle and Nook. Click here to see more detailed information on this process.
Fat on Campus: The Voices and Images of Fat College Students and the Impacts of Fatphobia amplifies the voices of 11 fat college students across the United States. Defined as “a pathological fear of fatness often manifested as negative attitudes and stereotypes about fat people” (Robinson et al., 1993, p. 468), fatphobia, like other forms of oppression, impacts our students and our campuses. Unlike other cultural phenomena, fatness is one of the last socially acceptable forms of bias.
This text sheds light on fat students, increasing their visibility in higher education, explaining why it is important to recognize and address this critical issue on campuses across America. Using rich stories from students who self-identify as fat, this text honors their experiences and highlights how they have created welcoming spaces for themselves in often unwelcoming collegiate environments. The book shares findings from a national photovoice research study, including narratives and photographs. A methodological technique combining storytelling and photography, photovoice is often used to inspire social change. Aligned with the idea of transforming the future of higher education, this book serves as both a call to action for educators and a love letter to fat students on campus.
The book is designed to engage educators and amplify the voices of fat students in an accessible way. While it may be tempting for readers to flip to the section corresponding with their functional area of interest, readers are invited to read the whole book and ask themselves, “How can I extend this research to my own place of work?”
Perfect for courses such as: College Environments; Diversity in Higher Education; Understanding College Students; Arts-Based Research and Methodologies; Qualitative Research
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We are signed up with aggregators who resell networkable e-book editions of our titles to academic libraries. These editions, priced at par with simultaneous hardcover editions of our titles, are not available direct from Stylus.
These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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Moments & Movements: Counterstories for Critical Asian American+ Studies in Education is a collection of counterstories born from community and shared commitments to challenge the ways diverse diasporas and experiences of people from the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean are largely made invisible, silenced, and erased. By defying reductionist narratives, the collection highlights stories built upon generations of struggle, resistance, advocacy, and joy, that impart wisdom for the current moment and for Asian American+ movements in the future, particularly movements based in education. The book’s topics, located at the nexus of multiple and interconnected fields, such as education, race/ethnic studies, policy and community studies, have broad appeal to a cross-section of university academics; P-12 teachers and leaders; and community educators and activists.
Using the framing of Critical Asian American+ Studies, the chapters in this volume emphasize criticality as central to the work of educators committed to more just futures. The plus (+) symbol in “Asian American+” highlights the volume’s efforts at diverse inclusion and openness to various groups under a broad umbrella geographic category, including voices of various Pasifika, Arab and Middle Eastern communities, without eliding their distinct histories, cultures, politics, and experiences or erasing the tensions within and across the broader category of Asian American studies.
The book is organized thematically into four sections that reflect key moments in an ongoing movement. This organization acknowledges that readers may be at different points in their journeys towards developing more critical perspectives or knowledge of Asian American, Arab/Middle Eastern American, and Pasifika peoples’ experiences in education. The first section, The Moment We Begin, focuses on foundational beginnings, telling stories of how the authors made important first steps in creating the change they wished to see in their educational spheres. The second section, Building an Inclusive Movement, examines how educators sustain and deepen their work within and outside of classrooms. The third section, Extending the Movement, then looks at Critical Asian American+ Studies outside of classrooms and schools by attending to educational leadership, families and teacher identities, policy arenas, and educational, cultural, and community activism. Finally, in the fourth section, Envisioning New Worlds, chapters attend to what justice-focused, future-oriented movements might look like for Critical Asian American+ Studies.
All too often, critical community-grounded work can feel daunting. This collection pushes beyond prescribed borders that separate our communities and separate us into our own educational spheres (e.g. P-12, higher education, teacher education) and roles (professor, teacher, principal, student). As one of the few edited collections with such diverse perspectives, this collection provides multiple paths forward in Asian American, Arab/Middle Eastern American, and Pasifika Studies, inspires with its counterstories of struggle and success, and challenges readers to consider their own next steps.
Perfect for courses such as: Asian Americans in Education; Critical Studies in Education; Multicultural Education/Sociocultural Foundations in Education; Ethnic Studies/Asian American Studies; Social Justice in Education; Critical Pedagogy and Education; Urban Education; Race, Ethnicity, and Education; Introduction to Education; School and Society
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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In metropolitan areas across the United States, city and suburban public school students receive grossly unequal funding. Since funding is critical to student success, this means the primarily Black, Latinx, and low-income students attending city schools are being denied an equal education. So entrenched is this system, that it can feel normal, or too big to undo. Yet recent student activism in the form of an innovative, cross-community school partnership offers new hope. The Metropolitan Community: Partnering for Equality Across the Educational Divide tells the story of two Chicago-area schools—one suburban, one urban—whose students come together to examine the disparities between their schools and advocate for change. It follows these students over a year as they meet, tour each other’s schools, wrestle with how to discuss unfairness, and ultimately commit to fighting together for a more equal education. In-depth interviews and detailed observations chronicle the students’ advocacy, which unfolds in conversation with teachers and administrators and eventually brings them to the table with legislators, from whom they demand better policies. Through the examples set by students, readers are invited to develop their own “metro outlook,” to see how our seemingly separate worlds are connected by the educational system we hold in common and must work together to reshape. The first book to depict sustained allyship between city and suburban students, The Metropolitan Community offers an invigorating pedagogical approach, organizational model, and political strategy for achieving educational justice through youth-led partnerships and collaboration.
Perfect for courses such as: School and Society; Curriculum and Instruction; Diversity and Equity in Education; Socio-cultural Foundations; Educational Policy; Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; Sociology of Education; Urban Education; Social Studies Methods; Multicultural Education; Anthropology of Education; School Counseling; School Psychology; and School Social Work
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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Do you have the desire to build relationships with the special education teachers in your school or district but constantly feel weighed down by compliance issues? Special education teachers are leaving the field at alarming rates, and positive change through transformational leadership practices can help administrators build confidence and self-efficacy as leaders of special education programs and strengthen special education teachers’ commitment to remain in the field.
In a book that guides an affective journey using John C. Maxwell’s teachings, Natasha Veale, a former special education teacher, professor of special education, and certified Maxwell Leadership consultant, demonstrates how to address administrators’ belief in their ability to become influential special education leaders and connect with their special education teachers, even without a background in special education. This book is ideal for pre-service and in-service assistant principals and principals, special education administrators, and general and special education teachers. Embedded school administrators’ anecdotes reveal experiences, challenges, and desires to build an emotionally supportive environment for their special education teachers. Practical advice and tips are offered to help administrators positively influence, individually consider, intellectually stimulate, and inspirationally motivate their special education teachers.
to Retain Special Education Teachers: A Transformational Leadership Guide for
School Administrators, you learn how to:
- Support special education teacher workload
- Build self-efficacy as a leader of special education
- Build relationships with special education teachers
- Strengthen Principal Preparation Programs
Perfect for courses such as: Principal Leadership for Special Education; Special Education Administration; Educational Leadership; Developing Teachers; Strategic Human Capital Leadership; Leading Change in Education; and Foundations in Education
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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In Transforming Teaching Through the Cycle of Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Empowering Education Through Relationships, Listening, Thinking, and Responding, author Mona Beth Zignego introduces a groundbreaking model that reshapes the way educators approach their profession. Drawing from decades of experience as a teacher, mentor, and researcher, Zignego offers a unique perspective on the vital role of care in the classroom. Through her "Cycle of Care" model, she breaks down the process of care into four critical elements: relationships, listening, thinking, and responding. This powerful framework is designed to help teachers not only support their students academically but also foster environments of trust, empathy, and social justice.
Zignego dives deeply into real-life examples from her own experience and research, illustrating both the profound impact of care on student outcomes and the devastating effects of its absence. From stories of students like Emily, who struggled under an uncaring teacher’s response, to educators like Mr. Price, who embodied the very essence of care in his practice, Transforming Teaching Through the Cycle of Care illuminates the path toward transformative education. A key focus of the book is the concept of self-directed care for teachers—a practice Zignego argues is essential for preventing burnout and for sustaining a healthy, effective teaching career. She acknowledges the emotional, physical, and professional challenges teachers face and provides practical tools to help them navigate these challenges while maintaining a caring, student-centered approach. With exercises like the "Emotionater Tool" and the "Teaching Identity Map," she guides teachers in reflecting on their own needs, biases, and emotional well-being, ensuring that care is directed not only at students but also at themselves.
This book is an invaluable resource for teachers, administrators, and anyone involved in education who wants to cultivate a nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Zignego’s insights remind us that care is the foundation upon which all meaningful education is built, and that by embracing care in teaching, we can create classrooms where every student feels seen, valued, and capable of success. Whether you are a new teacher seeking guidance or an experienced educator looking to deepen your practice, Transforming Teaching Through the Cycle of Care offers the inspiration and tools you need to transform your teaching through the power of care.
Perfect for courses such as: Foundations of Culturally Responsive Teaching; Principles of Classroom Management and Relationships; Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning in Education; Educating for Equity and Social Justice; Foundations of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practice; Introduction to School Leadership and Improvement; Teaching in a Diverse Society; Supportive Classroom Communities; Sociocultural Perspectives in Education; and Teacher Leadership and Professional Collaboration
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
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PreK-12 schools across the United States are adopting social and emotional learning (SEL) programs for both students and educators. However, most of these schools are adopting non-contextualized, trendy, and traditional SEL programs, in which students and educators are conditioned to apply certain knowledge and skills that speak to only a small subset of students rather than utilizing authentic, equity-driven SEL models. As such, SEL programming must be transformed and sustained to reflect new and shifting identities of both students and educators, like the expanding ability, cultural, gender, linguistic, race, religion, and socioeconomic formations and their intersections, as well as tensions within predominantly white institutions.
Moving from Trendy to Transformative Social-Emotional Learning presents a diverse collection of chapters that discuss authentic and contextualized equity and justice models that are focused on the possibilities of transformative SEL programming. The book’s primary focus is on innovative and creative methodologies and practices that aspiring and practicing educators can use right away. Because the editors and contributors are former or current PreK-12 practitioners and/or educational scholars, this book is written for a broad educational audience. Directed to both preservice and practicing teachers across PreK-12 grade levels, school types, and geographic regions looking to improve their practice, the text provides entry points for transforming the SEL landscape in favor of liberatory, justice-based, and equitable practices. Additionally, this book is ideal for teacher and administrator preparation programs, as well as PreK-12 professional development, because it guides readers through theoretical and empirical discussions, punctuated by hands-on applications that enable real-time application, and concludes with interactive features, including case studies, extension activities, and discussion prompts.
Specific topics include enacting culturally-relevant SEL; addressing youth mental health through cultivating authentic belonging and mindfulness in classrooms; equitable SEL curricular and pedagogical practices; developing adult SEL; culturally-grounded identity development, ensuring safe environments for building identity and relationships; and SEL in teacher education and mentorship.
Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Educating For Equity And Social Justice; Introduction to Cultivating Culturally Responsive Classrooms; Foundations of Classroom Management; Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Schools; Principles of Professional Collaboration In Education; Introduction To School Improvement, Introduction to Teacher Leadership And School Improvement; Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Principles of Building Classroom Communities; Principles of Teaching Diverse Learners; Principles of Youth Voices in Education
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
VitalSource offer a more seamless way to access the ebook, and add some great new features including text-to-voice. You own your ebook for life, it is simply hosted on the vendor website, working much like Kindle and Nook. Click here to see more detailed information on this process.
Over the past three decades, the landscape of educator preparation has changed so that more people can enter the teaching profession than ever before. This welcome expansion of access to the teaching profession has been accomplished both through the creation of new entities bringing new models of preparation online and, even more so, through the multiplication of new program tracks and pathways in the institutions of higher education (IHEs) that have long been and continue to be responsible for preparing the largest proportion of teachers and other professional educators. The preparation landscape has also become more dynamic and more responsive to needs at local and regional levels. In this era of teacher shortage, expanded access is good news, but are all pathways equal with regard to quality of preparation?
Locating Quality in the Dynamic Educator Preparation Landscape centers on the experiences of a variety of preparation programs—all accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), each unique in its approach to addressing the needs of its prospective teachers and its local school partners. The featured programs include public and private preparation providers from across the nation, some based in longstanding institutions of higher education, some operating in newer organizational models. They share a common claim to quality through having met the same accreditation standards, yet each excels in its own right in addressing specific needs.
The book shows that while qualities can be shared, quality is fundamentally a divergent rather than a convergent characteristic, and that program evaluation and accreditation regimes be framed accordingly. It argues that educational policy needs to be based on an appreciation of the many dimensions of quality program practice that are needed to address the varied and particular needs of schools, communities, and populations that are entering the educator preparation pipeline. So long as we are able to ensure that all pathways into teaching result in the preparation of effective educators who are able to serve students, schools, families, and communities well by promoting student learning and thriving, we will reap the benefits of this new, varied, and dynamic landscape of educator preparation.
Perfect for courses such as: Educational Program Evaluation; Teacher Education; Education Policy; Teacher Education Policy; and Human Resources in Education
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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.
E-books are now distributed via VitalSource
VitalSource offer a more seamless way to access the ebook, and add some great new features including text-to-voice. You own your ebook for life, it is simply hosted on the vendor website, working much like Kindle and Nook. Click here to see more detailed information on this process.