Gilberto Q. Conchas

Gilberto Q. Conchas is the Wayne K. and Anita Woolfolk Hoy Endowed Chair in the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and his B.A. in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author and coauthor of over a dozen books—including The Color of Success; Streetsmart Schoolsmart; Cracks in the Schoolyard; Educational Policy Goes to School; The Complex Web of Inequality; The Chicana/o/x Dream; Race Frames in Education; and Repertoires of Racial Resistance. Dr. Conchas has been a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the University of California at Irvine and visiting professor at the University of Southern California, San Francisco State University, University of Washington, University of Barcelona, and the University of California, Berkeley and Santa Barbara. He was also Senior Program Officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Books by Gilberto Q. Conchas:

We Are The Children Of The Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz
Husks of Hope, Resistance, and Latina/o Educational Success

We Are the Children of the Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz: Husks of Hope, Resistance, and Latina/o Educational Success is a collection of empirical studies that explores the complex and multi-faceted journeys of Latina/o/x students. With maíz (corn) as the guiding symbol, this book incorporates indigenous teachings and knowledge to highlight the pillars and resources of support—referred to as “husks”—that nurture Latina/o students' growth, resilience, and achievement as they navigate the U.S. schooling system. This anthology offers examples that underscore the role of schools, families, and communities in shaping Latina/o students’ trajectories from pre-K to higher education. The volume builds upon the parent book, The Chicana/o/x Dream, by examining the intersectional experiences of Latina/o students in varied educational contexts, the resources they access within educational spaces, and their familial and community support systems. Using the Framework of Atravesada/o/xs Nepantleando (FAN), the authors in this anthology illustrate how Latina/o students become nepantlera/os—change agents who create and foster diverse cultural spaces and advocate for transformation. The book is organized around three themes: planting seeds to foster college access, cultivating students to foster college readiness, and harvesting to support college completion. Through these themes, the volume aims to empower educators, researchers, and policymakers to foster diverse, equitable, and inclusive school and community spaces that amplify Latina/o student voice and center their experiences.

We Are the Children of the Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz is a valuable contribution to the scholarship on the Latina/o/x student experience in the United States. It is the perfect text for a variety of courses in Ethnic Studies and Cultural Studies.

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These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.


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Repertoires of Racial Resistance
Pedagogical Dreaming in Transborder Educational Spaces

Repertories of Racial Resistance: Pedagogical Dreaming in Transborder Educational Spaces explores the integral role of dreaming and imagination in pursuing educational justice. The illuminating case studies in this book highlight how youth and adults utilize Transformative Methodologies not only to generate knowledge, but also promote social change. Transformative Methodologies are approaches to research and knowledge production that explicitly:

  • center the perspectives, experiences, and expertise of BIPOC youth and communities as essential to research
  • challenge conventional social science frameworks that relegate communities as “objects” of inquiry, and
  • facilitate ethnically and racially minoritized young people to leverage their educational opportunities to express their agency, imagine emancipatory futures, and embody social change.
Chapters in the book demonstrate how researchers, practitioners, and youth utilize methodologies such as participatory action research, testimonials, counter narratives and critical storytelling to make sense of social inequalities and envision futures rooted in justice. This text considers the intimate relationship between youth leadership and empowerment with dreaming and imagination. The book includes case studies based in diverse contexts such as K-12 schools, community-based settings, and higher education. Moreover, the text specifically highlights how BIPOC young people leverage their imaginations as part of their efforts to advocate for justice in their communities, families, and schools. This book emphasizes the importance for researchers and practitioners to leverage youth imagination and freedom dreams in creating culturally sustaining educational settings and promoting transformative youth leadership. This volume will be of interest to graduate, postgraduate students, researchers and academics in fields such as multicultural education, critical pedagogy, youth development and qualitative and participatory methodologies. Pre-service teachers, practitioners, and libraries will also find this book useful.

Perfect for courses such as: Multicultural Education, Foundations of Education, Critical Pedagogy and Education, Youth Development, Out of School Time Education, Research Methodology, Anthropology and Education, Sociology and Education, and Youth Resistance

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Library E-Books

We are signed up with aggregators who resell networkable e-book editions of our titles to academic libraries. These editions, priced at par with simultaneous hardcover editions of our titles, are not available direct from Stylus.

These aggregators offer a variety of plans to libraries, such as simultaneous access by multiple library patrons, and access to portions of titles at a fraction of list price under what is commonly referred to as a "patron-driven demand" model.


E-books are now distributed via VitalSource

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