Ethnic Studies Revival Series
Repertoires of Racial Resistance
Pedagogical Dreaming in Transborder Educational Spaces
Published: November 2024
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Published: November 2024

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Published: November 2024
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6" x 9"
Language: English

Repertories of Resistance: Pedagogical Dreaming in Transborder Educational Spaces explores the integral role of dreaming and imagination in pursuing educational justice. The illuminating case studies in this book highlight how youth and adults utilize Transformative Methodologies not only to generate knowledge, but also promote social change. Transformative Methodologies are approaches to research and knowledge production that explicitly:

  • center the perspectives, experiences, and expertise of BIPOC youth and communities as essential to research
  • challenge conventional social science frameworks that relegate communities as “objects” of inquiry, and
  • facilitate ethnically and racially minoritized young people to leverage their educational opportunities to express their agency, imagine emancipatory futures, and embody social change.
Chapters in the book demonstrate how researchers, practitioners, and youth utilize methodologies such as participatory action research, testimonials, counter narratives and critical storytelling to make sense of social inequalities and envision futures rooted in justice. This text considers the intimate relationship between youth leadership and empowerment with dreaming and imagination. The book includes case studies based in diverse contexts such as K-12 schools, community-based settings, and higher education. Moreover, the text specifically highlights how BIPOC young people leverage their imaginations as part of their efforts to advocate for justice in their communities, families, and schools. This book emphasizes the importance for researchers and practitioners to leverage youth imagination and freedom dreams in creating culturally sustaining educational settings and promoting transformative youth leadership. This volume will be of interest to graduate, postgraduate students, researchers and academics in fields such as multicultural education, critical pedagogy, youth development and qualitative and participatory methodologies. Pre-service teachers, practitioners, and libraries will also find this book useful.

Perfect for courses such as: Multicultural Education, Foundations of Education, Critical Pedagogy and Education, Youth Development, Out of School Time Education, Research Methodology, Anthropology and Education, Sociology and Education, and Youth Resistance

Table of Contents:


Series Foreword

Introduction: Repertoires of Racial Resistance and Pedagogical Dreaming from the Classroom to the Streets
Victor Dealba, Gilberto Q. Conchas, and Miguel N. Abad

Chapter 1: Fostering Belonging: How Yemeni Boys Create Counterspaces in a NYC High School
Orubba Almansouri

Chapter 2: Youth Participatory Action Research and Student Resistance: Envisioning for College Food Security for All
Rachel Brand

Chapter 3: Making Mundo Nuevo: Chicana/Latina Daughters Enacting Chicana/a/o/x and Latina/o/x Immigrant Educational Futurities and Possibilities Through Spiritual Activism and Transformative Ruptures
Brianna Ramirez

Chapter 4: Community, Care, and Relational Practice: Reimagining Freedom Dreaming in a Difficult Dialogues Program
Jie Y. Park, Borodine Chery, Eric DeMeulenaere, Elsabet Franklin, Leyla Knight, Zabrina Richards, and Chloe Wing Ching Yau

Chapter 5: Resisting Exclusion: The Civic Engagement of a Female Muslim American Student Leader
Glenda L. Wui

Chapter 6: Championing Disruptive Dreaming Among Students: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Adult Allies
Anna Mei Gubbins and Aubry Threlkeld

Chapter 7: “We Don’t See That in Our History Books…” Dialectic Conversations on Designing for Collective Social Dreaming in History Education
Ava Jackson and Corey Winchester

Chapter 8: Dreaming Otherwise: Creative Policy Negotiation and Creating Communities of Recognition for Multilingual Immigrant Youth
Reva Jaffe-Walter and Kathleen Rucker

Chapter 9: Dreamweaving Youth Expressions Through Multimedia Methodologies: “The Words That They Were Never Told and Were Wishing To Hear”
Jorge F. Rodriguez, Bernadine Cortina, and Jessica Tonai

Chapter 10: Questioning with Love: Developing Racial Literacy to Disrupt Racism
Simona Goldin, Danita Mason-Hogans, Justin Clyburn, and Shelby Freeman

Chapter 11: Dreaming of Different Pasts, Presents, & Futures: Filipino & Cambodian American Youth-Led Art & Organizing in California
Charlotee Austria, Chelsea Chhem, J Jimenez, May Lin, and Madison San Luis

Chapter 12: A Collective Dreaming Process: Reimagining Youth Space to Facilitate Latinx Youth Critical Consciousness Towards Educational Injustice and Anti-Immigrant Politics
Carlos R. Casanova and Eric Alvarez

Chapter 13: Reimagining Life After High School: Black and Latinx Students’ Experience in a (Virtual) Counter-Space
Olga Correa

Chapter 14: The Politics of Faith: Father Luce and the 1968 High School Blowouts in East Los Angeles
David Flores

Chapter 15: Dreamers Rise: A High School Pre-College Program for Undocumented Students in Wisconsin
Gerardo Mancilla

About the Authors


Reviews & Endorsements:

Repertoires of Racial Resistance is an essential read for anyone committed to social justice. This timely volume, comprising 15 compelling chapters, brilliantly highlights the imaginative and transformative strategies that communities of color employ to resist and combat inequities. Featuring contributions from an intergenerational group of current college students, practitioners, and academics, the book showcases how youth and their allies harness creativity and leadership to drive meaningful social change. This book is a powerful testament to the resilience and ingenuity of marginalized communities in the face of oppressive forces that seek to silence and erase them. This volume is a vital resource for educators, scholars, and activists dedicated to improving the material conditions of our most marginalized.”

Dr. Royel M. Johnson, Associate Professor of Education and Social Work at University of Southern California, Director of the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates

Repertoires of Racial Resistance is an excellent collection of essays focusing on how young people of color’s re-imaginings have the potential to transform the education system in pursuit of racial justice. While theoretically informed, a major strength of the volume is that the voices of young people are front and center, underscoring that they are legitimate producers of knowledge with the potential to create change in the educational environment. Repertoires of Racial Resistance is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of America’s multiethnic educational system.”

Leo R. Chavez, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine

“In Repertories of Racial Resistance, Abad and Conchas provide a brave and timely volume to address the role of education that both instructs us about the challenges that exist in our social ecologies, while also recognizing the transformative possibilities of education, particularly for historically marginalized communities. Rooted in Freirean pedagogy, and others, Abad and Conchas assemble a slate of scholars who are dedicated to these principles and provide students, educators, and scholars with a set of tools to help them dream and imagine the true transformative possibilities of education.”

Louie F. Rodriguez, Professor of Education, University of California Riverside

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