Which titles will have e-editions?

All Myers Education Press titles are accessible in electronic form.

How do I buy e-books?

You can buy e-books direct from the Myers Education Press website, or buy them from the resellers with whom we have arrangements to resell our e-books. The resellers with whom we currently have agreements are Apple, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Blio, Google Books, Kobo, and Amazon.

When buying direct from Myers Education Press through our shopping cart, you will receive one email from Amazon Pay (who simply processes the credit card), acknowledging that your order has been received, and one from Myers Education Press, which will give you a link to a page from which you can download or view your books.

On what devices can I read?

It relates to the eBook distributor you selected on a purchase moment.

Click here for full instructions.

On how many devices may I store a file I buy direct from Myers Education Press?

You may read the e-books you buy from Myers Education Press on up to six unique devices.

What can I do with my e-book?

If you buy direct from Myers Education Press, you can search and annotate your e-book and may copy-and-paste and print up to 50 pages of each title

Do Myers Education Press e-books offer any special features?

Certain titles will include audio or video files, links to websites, or additional textual material not included in the print edition. Not all reader devices support these enhancements. All enhancements are also made available free of charge on the Myers Education Press website so as not to disadvantage print edition buyers.

What if a book is enhanced after I buy it?

You will be notified if we enhance a title after you buy it and will be given a link from which you can replace the original file without charge. This does not apply to new editions, which count as new titles

The advantages of buying direct:

  • Portability: You can load our e-books on up to six devices (and not be tied to a proprietary device) and access them from the Cloud
  • Print and cut-and-paste a portion of each book (up to 50 pages). As a scholar, you will appreciate the convenience of cutting and pasting references and passages into manuscripts on your computer.
  • Building a relationship: receive advance notice of new books, and previews of sample chapters.
  • Compatibility with Android, Apple, Kindle, and Nook devices, as well as PCs and Macs

What’s more, by buying direct, you’ll be supporting independent publishing in a world increasingly dominated by mega corporations.

How long do I own my e-book?

Your purchase, whether from Myers Education Press or a third-party partner, gives you a perpetual personal license to each title you buy. Exceptions are e-book files provided free on an examination copy or review basis, in which case your access will be limited to 90 days. We also plan in due course to make textbooks available to students on a per-semester basis at a reduced price. In the event of a computer crash or your purchase of a new device, see below

Can I retrieve my e-book file if my computer crashes or if I add a new device?

Myers Education Press maintains a permanent record of your e-book purchases. E-mail us at publisher@myersedpress.com to restore access in the event of a computer crash or your purchase of a replacement computer