What We Do
We are a true publishing partner. We care for your book in a number of ways, including:
- offering developmental editing, collaborating with you to turn a great idea into a great book
- providing expert curating of your content, from peer review to professional copy editing and production services
- use of the newest technology, which guarantees the highest quality print books and e-books
- employing innovative marketing and promotion techniques to maximize exposure to your research
- offering partnerships and alliances across the publishing industry and around the world to attract as many readers as possible to your book

We take great pride in the quality of the books and content that we publish. If your book doesn’t look good, we don’t either. If our textbooks aren’t successful in the classroom, we aren’t either.
Let’s talk. Soon.
Do you have a prospectus, a manuscript, or even just a good idea for a book? If so, let’s start a conversation that could have a very happy conclusion. Our editors are looking to build the most innovative education publishing program in the field today. Use this link to connect to our prospectus guidelines. Starting the process is that simple.
Our Review Process
To assure the best possible quality of your book, your manuscript or prospectus will be subjected to a three-stage review process.
The In-House Editorial Evaluation
Our editors will conduct an initial in-house review of your material to evaluate a number of things, including how well your topic matches our program; the quality of your research and writing; and the accessibility of that writing for our audience. Given this, it’s important that you’re clear about the mission statement of your manuscript and that you provide an accurate description of your various audiences.
External Peer Review
Every book published by MEP is subjected to external peer review. We have an extensive list of experts in all of the subdisciplines in which we publish. More than simply providing a decision about whether or not to offer publication to prospective authors, reader reports provide valuable suggestions of ways in which a manuscript can be improved. You are encouraged to take advantage of this feedback to maximize the appeal of your final text.
The In-House Marketing Evaluation
Our marketing department goes to work once a project passes both stages of peer review. We look at a variety of factors, such as the ability of the book to be adopted for courses and its library appeal. We’ll develop a marketing plan customized to your book to maximize exposure and sales.
While we would love to offer to publish every good manuscript submitted to us, sometimes we can’t. Great content doesn’t always translate to great sales. And you would be as unhappy as we would be if no one reads your book. In as many cases as possible, we’ll try to help you to find a suitable publisher for your work.