Have you noticed the trend in academic publishing in the last decade or so? Fewer publishers, very large houses, many unhappy authors. Not a good combination. As an author, grad student or professor, you've probably discovered that a handful of megapresses are dominating the industry. While they may have great editors and many good books, working with a large press isn't everyone's cup of tea. Many big houses are employing automated processes to reduce costs, creating an impersonal publishing environment. Editing and production are being assigned to vendors instead of being cared for by the publishing house itself. Academic content is no longer being given the care and attention it needs and deserves.
Who We Are
Myers Education Press is a new academic press specializing in books, e-books and digital content in the field of education. Working with many of the top names in the field, we present superb research that advances the discipline at a time when it is under attack on many fronts. Most importantly, we are an author-based press, offering you a refreshing, professional experience, whether you're an author looking to publish a book or a professor looking for a great textbook for your classroom.

Our Publishing Program—the Critical Areas of Education Publishing
Myers Education Press is passionate about what’s important in education today: social justice, multiculturalism, diversity of ideas and interests, criticality, LGBTQU, and other vital topics. We’re dedicated to many areas of education. Some of them include:
- Early Years Studies
- Adolescent Studies
- Critical Pedagogy
- Urban Studies
- Curriculum Studies
- Disability Studies
- New Literacies
- Qualitative Research
- Social Justice and Education
- Teacher Leadership
- Foundations of Education
- Literacy
In addition, we are constantly looking for ways to expand our program to include new concepts and theories, so we would love to hear about your ideas.
What We Do
We are a true publishing partner. We care for your book in a number of ways, including:
- offering developmental editing, collaborating with you to turn a great idea into a great book
- providing expert curating of your content, from peer review to professional copy editing and production services
- use of the newest technology, which guarantees the highest quality print books and e-books
- employing innovative marketing and promotion techniques to maximize exposure to your research "Obsession is a good thing, right?"
- offering partnerships and alliances across the publishing industry and around the world to attract as many readers as possible to your book
We take great pride in the quality of the books and content that we publish. If your book doesn't look good, we don't either. If our textbooks aren't successful in the classroom, we aren't successful either.
book is so expensive."
Said no author.
Our Pricing Policy
It's a near-criminal act to have academic content published at a price that puts your book out of reach of most readers. Students will only buy your book for class if they can afford it. The same is true for your colleagues.
MEP offers high quality, reasonably priced paperback books and even more affordable e-books, which are distributed through virtually every digital platform. And we let you know the price and format of your book at the time that a publication agreement is signed to avoid surprises.
Our People
Who is Chris Myers?
Chris Myers has more than three decades of publishing experience, most of it concentrated in the field of education. Much of that time was devoted to building an award-winning education list at Peter Lang Publishing, where he served as both editor and managing director. He also has experience in trade publishing through his work at Crossroad Publishing, a leading press in religion and spirituality.
Chris is known in the industry as an innovative publisher who, throughout the years, has published most of the leading voices in the field of education. In addition, he has developed the careers of countless young researchers and writers, many of whom have gone on to become thought leaders in their specialized areas of study.
The Team
Myers Education Press works with a hugely talented list of series editors, content advisors and freelancers who have extensive experience in academic publishing. These folks are the backbone of our process and we're grateful that they lend us their talent.
Our Partners
Meet our distributor: Stylus Distribution. Stylus markets and distributes books and electronic content for a large number of independent publishers, leading NGOs, and research institutions. They also understand the field of education, since they publish a substantial list of titles in higher education themselves.
In addition, we work with manufacturers, literary agencies, regional distributors and foreign presses around the world to be certain that your book reaches a global audience.