Victor DeAlba

Victor DeAlba is a PhD Candidate and graduate research assistant at The Pennsylvania State University. He was raised in the city of Lompoc, located in the Central Coast of California. He earned his AA in sociology from Allan Hancock College. He then transferred to UCLA where he earned his BA in sociology. His current research includes the use of transformative approaches to amplify Latina/o/x student voice, educational opportunity for students of color, and inequity in urban school systems.

Books by Victor DeAlba:

We Are The Children Of The Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz
Husks of Hope, Resistance, and Latina/o Educational Success

We Are the Children of the Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz: Husks of Hope, Resistance, and Latina/o Educational Success is a collection of empirical studies that explores the complex and multi-faceted journeys of Latina/o/x students. With maíz (corn) as the guiding symbol, this book incorporates indigenous teachings and knowledge to highlight the pillars and resources of support—referred to as “husks”—that nurture Latina/o students' growth, resilience, and achievement as they navigate the U.S. schooling system. This anthology offers examples that underscore the role of schools, families, and communities in shaping Latina/o students’ trajectories from pre-K to higher education. The volume builds upon the parent book, The Chicana/o/x Dream, by examining the intersectional experiences of Latina/o students in varied educational contexts, the resources they access within educational spaces, and their familial and community support systems. Using the Framework of Atravesada/o/xs Nepantleando (FAN), the authors in this anthology illustrate how Latina/o students become nepantlera/os—change agents who create and foster diverse cultural spaces and advocate for transformation. The book is organized around three themes: planting seeds to foster college access, cultivating students to foster college readiness, and harvesting to support college completion. Through these themes, the volume aims to empower educators, researchers, and policymakers to foster diverse, equitable, and inclusive school and community spaces that amplify Latina/o student voice and center their experiences.

We Are the Children of the Corn/Somos Los Hija/os del Maíz is a valuable contribution to the scholarship on the Latina/o/x student experience in the United States. It is the perfect text for a variety of courses in Ethnic Studies and Cultural Studies.

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