Timely Classics in Education Series
Pragmatism - A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking by William James
With a Critical Introduction by Eric C. Sheffield
Published: February 2019
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Published: April 2019

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Published: April 2019
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5.5" x 8"
Language: English

This new release of the classic text Pragmatism is absolutely timely. James' seminal statement of pragmatism's underpinnings and its treatment of essential philosophical questions (the nature of truth; the one and the many; free will; etc.) could not come at a more appropriate time. In a “post-truth” era of fake news, alternative facts, and a belief that "truth isn't truth," James' presentation of pragmatism as a method of adjudicating truth-claims is a must-read.

Perfect for courses in: Philosophy of Education (Graduate Level), American Philosophy (Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate), American Studies, Special topics class on William James or Pragmatism, Sociology of Education (Graduate Level), Religious Studies.

Table of Contents:


Preface by William James

Expanded Contents

Lecture I. The Present Dilemma in Philosophy

Lecture II. What Pragmatism Means

Lecture III. Some Metaphysical Problems Pragmatically Considered

Lecture IV. The One and the Many

Lecture V. Pragmatism and Common Sense

Lecture VI. Pragmatism’s Conception of Truth

Lecture VII. Pragmatism and Humanism

Lecture VIII. Pragmatism and Religion
