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Language: English
Professional and educational associations, such as the Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate (CPED), create and offer awards that recognize the accomplishments of individuals, programs, and institutions. In this edited book, W. Kyle Ingle and Harriette Thurber Rasmussen focus on CPED’s Program of the Year (POY) Award, examining its history, purpose, submission requirements, its committee structure, activities, and outcomes. Faculty members from CPED’s award-winning institutions have been invited to discuss their innovative programs, how these innovations were developed, how they pursue social justice, and how these innovations have been sustained since winning the award. Furthermore, the award’s role in facilitating the diffusion of innovative and effective practices among CPED member institutions is examined. The book and its chapters are framed through the lens of innovation diffusion theory. Popularized by communication theorist Everett Rogers (1967, 2003), innovation diffusion theory has spread widely across the social sciences. In his seminal work, Diffusion of Innovations, Rogers defines an innovation as “an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption” (2003, p. 12). Innovation diffusion is the process by which an innovation spreads among the members of a social system, in this case the internal and external communities of Ed.D.-granting institutions.
The book includes dual components: (1) innovative programs that drive social justice and (2) how these institutional innovations were developed and sustained. The latter component will shed light on three self-study processes related to these award-winnng programs:
- The process of creating the featured innovative program;
- The process of applying for the program of the year award; and
- The process of writing the journey and considering the impact of the program of the year award on their institution, including any reinvention/adaptations.
Perfect for courses such as: Program Development & Assessment in Higher Education; Instructional Planning for Student Learning and Achievement; Performance Improvement; Instructional Design and Development; e-Learning Design and Development; College Teaching; Supervised Experience in Higher Education; Special Problems in Educational Leadership; Professional Projects in Higher Education; Organizational Improvement in Higher Education
Chapter 1. Framing and Featuring Innovative Ed.D. Programs
W. Kyle Ingle and Harriette Thurber Rasmussen
Chapter 2. The Ed.D. Program and Cycles of Innovation at the University of Missouri
Jennifer Fellabaum-Toston, Casandra Harper, and Bradley R. Curs
Chapter 3. Arizona State University’s Ed.D. in Leadership and Innovation—An Award-Winning Ed.D. Program at Scale
Ray R. Buss and Josephine P. Marsh
Chapter 4. The University of Hawa‘i’s Ed.D. Program in Professional Educational Practice—Voyages of Discovery, Service, and Continuous Improvement
Walter Kahumoku III and Lori Ideta
Chapter 5. Drexel University’s Ed.D. in Leadership and Management—Ensuring Program Quality in the Face of High Enrollments
Harriette Thurber Rasmussen and Deanna Hill
Chapter 6. Shaping, Scaffolding, and Structuring Practitioner Scholars’ Research Preparation: An Inside-Out, Justice-Oriented Programmatic Innovation at the University of Florida
Alyson Adams, Nancy Fichtman Dana, and Gage Jeter
Chapter 7. Innovation and Excellence in Baylor University’s Ed.D. in Learning and Organizational Change
Nicholas R. Werse, Elizabeth Anne Murray, Sandi Cooper, Laila Sanguras, and Lacy Crocker Papadakis
Chapter 8. And the Winner Is . . . All of Us (?)
W. Kyle Ingle and Harriette Thurber Rasmussen
About the Authors
“In an era of much conversation about how to improve the Ed.D. in school leadership, the authors throughout this book provides a rare opportunity to look inside innovation within current Ed.D. programs, including initiation and implementation, through to the elements that garner innovation awards for such programs. The Ed.D. programs discussed throughout this volume provide a unique set of perspectives of how to include stakeholders and the community in the innovation process, while also providing a wealth of examples of recovering from mistaken assumptions and directions while building programs that thrive and ultimately serve students and their communities.”
Alex J. Bowers, Ph.D., Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
“I was delighted to preview the book Innovations and Impact edited by W. Kyle Ingle and Harriette T. Rasmussen. As the Coordinator of an Ed.D. program that is not a part of the Carnegie Project, I found this book offered incredible insights into what it means to establish an Ed.D. and then improve continuously. The chapters focus on seven award winning programs and a description of their journey was very helpful in rethinking the Ed.D. This book will definitely be a guide as we move forward in refreshing our current Ed.D. and also in pursuing a new Ed.D. in the future. When the book is available, it will have a prominent place on my bookshelf and be used as a guide to support the development of a quality program and scholarly practitioners.”
Mary Lynne Derrington, Associate Professor, Ed.D. Coordinator, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
“Some may think the phrase ‘innovative doctoral program’ is an oxymoron, as the structure and deliverables of this terminal degree have endured for hundreds of years. But, through the work of W. Kyle Ingle and Harriette T. Rasmussen, in Innovation and Impact: The Origins and Elements of Ed.D. Program Excellence, that thought is proven false. In a series of chapters that build from the work of Lee Shulman and a set of guidelines that form the backbone of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate organization, the collective wisdom of prize-winning pacesetters is shared. Each contribution, in this amazing compendium, reflects an exceptional program ranging from a private urban university to a collaborative group of five state institutions. By describing these compelling redesigns, readers will be privy to what is sometimes hidden from competitors—the “secret sauce” that makes the program attractive to applicants and produces the most outstanding Ed.D. students. In this compilation there are powerful examples of self-study strategies, ways to center doctoral candidates in the trialing of new programmatic ideas, unique advising models, and frank descriptions of challenges and rethinking even after being declared a winning The Origins and Elements of Ed.D. Program Excellence program. For longstanding programs, newly established Ed.D. degrees, and future award applicants, this resource is a must read!”
Karen S. Karp, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
“This helpful, clearly-written, and timely volume highlights the recent work of winners of the CPED program of the year, offering useful real-world examples of how to design an education doctorate for scholar-practitioners. These programs all focus on the contemporary needs of students rather than existing traditions. The book thus informs other aspiring programs as well as scholars of change and scholars of higher education, as it emphasizes the successes and frustrations of innovating within highly structured and often inflexible university contexts.”
Joanne M. Marshall, Ed.D., Professor, Educational Leadership, Organizations, and Policy School of Education, Iowa State University, US Fulbright Scholar to University of Namibia, 2022
“Innovation and Impact is a valuable resource for Ed.D. coordinators and faculty committed to excellence and driving social justice in higher education. Through real accounts of exemplary programs’ growth and triumph over significant challenges, this book offers practical insights for improvement and sustainability. This book serves as a compass for navigating Ed.D. program success in today’s higher education landscape.”
Frank Perrone, Assistant Professor and Ed.D. Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership, Indiana University-Bloomington