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Language: English
Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities examines the ways in which divide-and-conquer strategies operate in the American public education system. In U.S. education, these mechanisms are endemic and enduring, if not always evident. Coordinated, strategic, well-funded, politically-viable campaigns continue to stoke fear, othering, villainization, and dehumanization of minoritized groups, pushing false and problematic narratives that inhibit progress toward social justice. Weaponizing hegemony and leveraging misinformation, reactionary agents and institutions seek to suppress truth, block access to democratic participation, and dismantle education and other sites of emancipatory possibility through the strength of divide-and-conquer mechanisms, pitting relatively disempowered groups against one another to preserve the dominant social order.
Readers of this book will encounter conceptual and critical interrogations of divide and conquer. The text will help facilitate inquiry and engagement into how divide and conquer operates and how it can be resisted. It looks at the history of the phenomenon, as well as its current state, especially as it relates to education. What insights and lessons might we learn from a focused examination of divide and conquer, and what strategies of resistance are both possible and necessary for challenging it?
This text is designed for undergraduate and graduate classrooms in education and social sciences. Part I, Ideology and Sociopolitical Contexts, dissects how divide-and-conquer mechanisms operate ideologically and sociopolitically. Part II, Policies and Practices, focuses on how divide-and-conquer mechanisms shape exclusionary U.S. educational policies and practices. Part III, Resistance and Liberation, documents efforts of liberatory communicative, curricular, and pedagogical possibilities. Each chapter concludes with a set of critical questions for reflection and engagement.
Perfect for courses such as: Foundations of Education; Schools and Society; Schooling in America; History of Education; Philosophy of Education; Sociology of Education; Social Studies; Critical Theory in Education
List of Figures and Tables
Part I -- Ideological and Sociopolitical Contexts
Chapter 1. The Emotionalities of Whiteness and the Anti-CRT Frenzy in Education
Jaylene Patterson and Cheryl E. Matias
Chapter 2. Christian Nationalist Ideology and the Crusade Against Public Education
Jamie C. Atkinson
Chapter 3. School “Choice” as a Method of Division: Leveraging Fear to Promote White Supremacy and Christian Nationalism
T. Jameson Brewer
Chapter 4. Florida and the Right’s Counter-Revolution: A nti-Communism as Divide and Conquer in Education
Isaac Gottesman
Chapter 5. How Ideology Stifles Equity: Analyzing the Sociopolitical Context of Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric and Its Impact on Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Pedagogy
Violet Jiménez Sims and Luana Y. Ferreira
Part II -- Policies and Practices
Chapter 6. Educational Redlining: Bridging Historical Contexts to Contemporary Practice
Kelvin E. Rutledge and David W. Robinson-Morris
Chapter 7. The Fight for Black and Indigenous Languages: A Recollection of America’s Exclusionary Educational Policies and Practices
Chelsea J. Jimenez
Chapter 8. Plessy, Brown, and Persisting Divide: A Truncated Historicism of Equity in Education
William Holderfield
Chapter 9. Critical Race Theory in Education: The Hero’s Journey
Gloria McDaniel-Hall and Keisha Rembert
Chapter 10. A Path For Equity: Postcolonial Theory and Cosmopolitan Critical Literacy Intersections in Adolescent Literacy Instruction
Elizabeth Davis Jones and Charity Gamboa Embley
Part III -- Resistance and Liberation
Chapter 11. Resistance, Refusals, and Reframings: A Duo-Ethnography of Epistemic and Pedagogical Commitments to Intersectional Justice
Shawn Savage and Julia Lynch
Chapter 12. Intersectional Friendships Against White Supremacy: A Critical Conversation Between a Gay Latino and a Gay Black Man
Christian A. Bracho and Cleveland Hayes
Chapter 13. We Take Your Game and Flip the Script: Rasquache Resistance Against Divide and Conquer
Tim Monreal and Saul Barrera
Chapter 14. Resisting Hegemony Through Liberatory Pedagogies: Unraveling Virginia’s Executive Order One
Karin Kaerwer
Chapter 15. Weaving Praxis: Facilitating Student Examination of Identity and Culture Through the Intentional Modeling of Collaborative Practice
Jadyn Laixely, Sarah Nagle, and Cydni Robertson
About the Authors
“Education is constantly used as a divisive political battlefield. Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities shows us that critical solidarities are the only way forward in these troubling and polarized times. This is an excellent book that will help educators more deeply understand the issues they are facing on a daily basis.”
Wayne Au, Professor, University of Washington School of Educational Studies, Editor, "Rethinking Schools"
“Rudnick has put together a fine collection of authors in Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities, whose chapters complicate the unicausal theories of oppressions and instead call for capacious and engaged intersectional work in resistance. At a time when CRT bans are instituted by the same forces that constrain curriculum on language diversity and LGBTQ + issues and restrict transgender people’s access to medical care and women’s access to reproductive freedom, it is all the more important for educators to keep the multiple vectors of oppression and resistance clearly in mind and action: this collection provides important educational impetus for that work.”
Cris Mayo, Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Education, Director, Interdisciplinary Studies in Education M. Ed., University of Vermont
“This is a timely and important book essential to understanding our growing authoritarian and fascist political environment and how to resist it. Dennis Rudnick’s edited volume offers an array of scholars who provide thoughtful, real-world examples of how divide-and-conquer strategies further balkanize America. Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities provides a critical framework for helping us understand the multifaceted ways in which division and exclusion are legally institutionalized in American society while offering counternarratives for enhancing a more inclusive, intersectional, and socially just democracy. This is a must-read for anyone interested in education, the social sciences, cultural diversity, and policy.”
Brian W. Dotts, Professor, University of Georgia
“The initial power of Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities is in contributors’ analyses of the political moment, of the hold anti-justice crusaders and their divisive ideologies have today. They paint devastating, instructive pictures of how educational justice efforts are strategically undermined—in some cases, how people committed to those movements are lulled into the undermining. The enduring power of this book is in its turn toward resistance and liberation, in the ways contributors urge and equip to struggle on without compromise. This is the book I needed, arriving precisely when I needed it.”
Paul Gorski, Founder, Equity Literacy Institute, Co-author (with Katy Swalwell) of "Fix Injustice, Not Kids and Other Principles for Transformative Equity Leadership"
“Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities is a fiery, unapologetic, and sometimes terrifying text. Rudnick’s carefully constructed volume hits readers hard with the searing realities of education and schooling in these strange and divisive times; yet as a good teacher he is also mindful of the need to encourage, inspire, and assist readers in affirming that they have the courage and capacity to work in the service of peace, justice, and even joy, both individually and in solidarity to fight the good fight.”
Pamela J. Konkol, Executive Director, American Educational Studies Association, Professor of Foundations, Social Policy, and Research, Concordia University Chicago
“Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities provides a much-needed intervention in the discourse moving P-20 education towards contemporary reproductions of white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy. Drawing on a number of critical frameworks and methodological approaches, the authors tell rich stories that situate the context of divide and conquer ideologies and practices manifest in schools while also providing important counter-stories of resistance, refusal, and visions for something anew. This book is a must read for anyone interested in dreaming about more equitable and just educational worlds by understanding the contours of its current form and function.”
Asif Wilson, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“Dennis Rudnick’s edited collection, Resisting Divide-and-Conquer Strategies in Education: Pathways and Possibilities, illustrates how repressive modes of power mutate, adapt, and conspire for their survival, and how resistance in educational contexts can and must follow suit. With conceptual rigor, the featured authors meticulously unravel the intersecting and taken-for-granted logics of whiteness, Christian nationalism, anti-communism, xenophobia, and other strategies of domination that undermine the democratic possibilities of American schooling. This volume is a standout addition to scholarship on educational repression and transformation in the first quarter of the 21st century.”
Ed Brockenbrough, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania