Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop is a professor, researcher, and writer. Dr. Bishop works at the junctures of critical youth studies, intersectional solidarities, digital human rights, and international surf therapy. Bishop splits her time between New York and California. Find her online @DrBishopDigital.

Books by Elizabeth Bishop:

Whiting Out
Writing on Vulnerability, Racism and Repair
Whiting Out: Writing on Vulnerability, Racism and Repair is an experimental text that seeks to collapse the space that white writers create between ourselves and our ideas when writing about race, identity, history, responsibility, positionality, power and the present. The book is written as a first-person meditation grounded in a poetics of vulnerability, undertaken as an author study in two major parts – fragmented first through the work of James Baldwin and then refracted through the writing of Gloria E. Anzaldúa. Whiting Out is for both aspiring and experienced teachers (especially white folks), as well as anyone open to writing new narratives and imagining new possible worlds.

Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Education; Introduction to Teaching and Learning; Introduction to Curriculum Studies; Education and Society; Education and Cultural Studies; Whiteness in Education; Critical Race Theory in Education; Race, Racism and Anti-Racism; Examining Race, Power and Privilege; Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts
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