Rebecca Powell

Dr. Rebecca Powell is Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Center for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy at Georgetown College. She currently works as an independent consultant in culturally and linguistically responsive instruction, and serves as an instructional coach for Project PLACE at the University of Kentucky, a federal grant project funded through the US Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition. In this role, she works in both urban and rural schools and supports teachers in their implementation of the various CRIOP elements. Dr. Powell was a primary developer of the Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP), an observation research instrument and framework for guiding teachers’ growth in culturally responsive instruction. She helped to develop the CRIOP training manual and for the past several years, has assisted in training researchers across the United States in using the CRIOP observation instrument. Dr. Powell has written or co-edited four other books: Literacy as a Moral Imperative: Facing the Challenges of a Pluralistic Society; Straight Talk: Growing as Multicultural Educators; Toward a Literacy of Promise: Joining the African American Struggle (with Linda Spears-Bunton), and Literacy for All Students: An Instructional Framework for Closing the Gap (with Elizabeth Rightmyer). She has authored over thirty book chapters, journal articles and monographs in literacy and equity pedagogy, and has published in diverse journals such as Linguistics and Education, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, The Reading Teacher, and Teachers College Record. Dr. Powell is a graduate of The College of Wooster and received her M.Ed. degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Ed.D. from the University of Kentucky.

Books by Rebecca Powell:

A Framework for Culturally Responsive Practices
Implementing the Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP) In K-8 Classrooms
A 2022 SPE Outstanding Book Honorable Mention

What are the elements of culturally responsive and sustaining instruction? How can these elements be implemented in classrooms?

One of the most effective methods of addressing these issues is the Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP), which is being used in school districts nationwide to guide teacher professional development. A Framework for Culturally Responsive Practices presents scholarship in second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, culturally appropriate assessment, educational anthropology, educational psychology, instruction, and critical pedagogy to provide guidance to those who strive to teach in ways that meet the needs of a diverse student population. The book is a culmination of the authors’ many years of experience as both researchers and instructional coaches in schools, presenting a comprehensive portrait of the research and practices associated with culturally responsive teaching. Each chapter showcases a different element of the CRIOP, providing supporting research as well as ways to implement the element in K-8 classrooms. The book also includes several specific examples written by teachers in the field and a comprehensive bibliography. This is a practical guide that can be used in a variety of courses for pre-service teachers as well as by teachers and administrators in school districts across the country.
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