Sheron Fraser-Burgess
Sheron Fraser-Burgess is an associate professor of Social Foundations/Multicultural Education at Ball State University and teaches courses in the undergraduate teacher licensure/professional education program, as well as philosophy and ethics courses in the master of arts and doctoral program in Educational Studies. As Provenzo (2012) states, in its attention to social justice, social and cultural foundations can make it possible for teacher candidates and practitioners to become responsible advocates for democratic education. Dr. Fraser-Burgess seeks to come alongside teacher candidates and practicing teachers in making the theory-to-practice connections that social justice in education requires, in addition to their acquisition of the knowledge, skills and dispositions of their profession.
Books by Sheron Fraser-Burgess:
A 2021 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner
Making Sense of Race in Education: Practices for Change in Difficult Times takes a fresh look at the perennial issue of race in American schools. How do educators, in all settings, confront the issue of race with students and colleagues, given the contemporary backdrop of social movements for racial justice and change? How do educators affect change within their everyday classroom practices without fostering further alienation and discord? Although much has already been written about race and racism in school, this book addresses racial incidents directly and offers practical insights into how P-20 educators can transform these events alongside students and colleagues. Each chapter provides detailed analysis of curriculum, instruction, practices and pedagogical strategies for addressing race while at the same time wrestling with theoretical conceptions of race, justice, and fairness.
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