Boni Wozolek
Dr. Boni Wozolek is currently the Director of Inclusive Excellence and an Associate Professor of Education at Penn State University, Abington College. Her work examines race, sexual orientations, and gender identities through qualitative research methods and teaching practices across educational contexts. Dr. Wozolek’s recent publications include two monographs, Assemblages of Violence in Education: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression (Routledge, 2021) and Educational Necropolitics: A Sonic Ethnography of Everyday Racisms in US Schools (Routledge, 2023), and two edited volumes, Black Lives Matter in US Schools: Race, Education, and Resistance (SUNY, 2022) and Queer Battle Fatigue: Education, Exhaustion, and Everyday Oppressions (Routledge, 2023). Dr. Wozolek has received multiple awards for her scholarship, including two book awards (AESA and AERA), a best article of the year award (Educational Studies), and early career award (AERA) and local awards that recognize her commitment to communities and activist work that foregrounds equity, access, and inclusion.
Books by Boni Wozolek:

Letters to the Field: Curriculum Scholars’ Stories for Future Generations encapsulates a generation of scholars who revitalized the field of Curriculum Studies across North America in the mid-1970s, as well as the generations of scholars who immediately followed, all of whom are now themselves senior scholars. Rather than another edited work of reprints or new monographs, this volume seeks to do something special by providing an opportunity for this group of scholars to speak to their field about understandings they believe to be of significance.
The strength of this book generally resides in two overarching factors. First, there is the depth and strength of this well-rounded, highly regarded group of scholars whose work speaks to the heart of the interdisciplinary nature of curriculum studies and curriculum theorizing. Second, as you might imagine, this is a significant moment in the United States when the very foundation of curriculum theory–critical inquiry and often an engagement with questions of race, queerness, disability, and the like–continues to be under attack in K-12 schools and universities across the United States. Contributors speak to the foundations of the field and the contemporary challenges that the field and schools of education more broadly must survive.
Contributions to this important work are five to seven handwritten or, in the case of scholars who are unable to write, typed pages. There are also chapters that have accompanying photos and drawings. The reproduction of actual letters in the book lend authenticity and will appeal to readers by giving an intimate view into the thoughts and wishes of these scholars. We also understand that, similar to the challenge folks might face when handwriting a document, some writing might not be legible to all readers. Therefore, stable QR codes and/or hyperlinks to typed versions of handwritten chapters are included so that readers can easily look at typed versions alongside the handwritten work online.
Letters to the Field makes an invaluable contribution to Curriculum Studies. By providing a history of the rationale used to revitalize the field, it will prove a valuable addition to the libraries of educators in a variety of disciplines.
Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Curriculum Theory; Introduction to College Teaching; Social Foundations of Education; History of American Higher Education; Traditions of Inquiry; and Introduction to Scholarship
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