Teija Rantala

Teija Rantala earned her Master’s in Education and Ph.D. in Gender Studies at the University of Helsinki. In her doctoral study she explored the aspirations of religious women belonging to a minority movement in Finland and used feminist methods and poststructuralist theory to be able to examine the women’s controversial aspirations.//She has published her work mostly in feminist educational journals. The publications reflect her feminist, creative but critical approach to methodology and knowledge formation. She has a special interest in examining processes of gender, identity, aspirations and experience by experimenting with feminist poststructuralist and posthuman theory. She has given invited lectures at the University of Aberystwyth and University of Reading and reviewed for SAGE and Routledge. 

Books by Teija Rantala:

Exploring Data Production in Motion
Fluidity and Feminist Poststructuralism
Exploring Data Production in Motion facilitates the use of feminist critical qualitative methodologies. With open-ended methods and poststructuralist theory and analysis, this book will offer tools to approach and to examine challenging and controversial topics ethically. This book will argue that to examine data of ‘individual’ experience and aspirations requires examining the process of the data production in which these were ‘produced’. It will form an understanding of a data production as a process, which in its fluidity enables us also to form an understanding of difference and change as inevitable parts of social processes.
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