Culture and Society in Higher Education Series
Remixed and Reimagined
Innovations in Religion, Spirituality, and (Inter)Faith in Higher Education
Edited by J.T. Snipes and Sable Manson
Published: May 2020
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Published: April 2020
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Published: May 2020

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Published: May 2020
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7" x 10"
Language: English

Remixed and Reimagined: Innovations in Religion, Spirituality, and (Inter)faith in Higher Education is a new edited book that invites readers to rethink and re-examine the traditional paradigms in which religion, spirituality, and interfaith (RSI) have been studied within higher education and student affairs settings. This volume introduces new theoretical frameworks that enrich and enliven the study of RSI, making it more dynamic, inclusive, and, most importantly, innovative. It is framed by a commitment to social justice and intersectionality, while centering the narratives of the religiously marginalized. The text is divided into two units. The first unit explores new and emergent frameworks for analyzing and interpreting RSI in higher education and student affairs. The second unit puts various theoretical frameworks into practice, while highlighting the often-marginalized voices of the religiously minoritized. The book concludes with a call for researchers to begin exploring the new proposed horizons within the study of RSI in higher education and student affairs. This text is perfect for graduate level seminars in higher education and student affairs programs. It is also an invaluable resource for researchers and scholars.

Perfect for courses such as:
Religion in Popular Culture | Religion and Spirituality in Higher Education | Introduction to the Study of Religion | Introduction to Interfaith (Multifaith studies) | Interfaith Dialogue on Campus | Introduction to Queer Studies | Contemporary Issues in LGBTQ Studies | Introduction to Diversity | Masters of Education (Graduate Level) | Politics of Difference | Diversity and Identity | Diverse Issues in Higher Education | Student Affairs

Table of Contents:

Introduction: An Invitation to (Re)Imagine  

Unit 1: New Methodologies and Frameworks

1) Genealogical Histories and Emergent Births: An Epistolary Dialogue on Critical Possibilities in Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Studies in Higher Education—Kate Curley & Gordon Palmer

2) Critical Interfaith Praxis in Higher Education: The Interfaith Collective—Isaac M. Carter, Adonay Montes, Beatriz Gonzalez, Zandra Wagoner, Nancy Reyes, & Veronica Escoffery-Runnels

3) Waking Up in the Classroom: Buddhist Epistemologies as a Path Toward Decolonization of Higher Education—Suzanne E. Schier-Happell 

Unit 2: Emerging Narratives

4) Queering Spirituality: A Conceptual Exploration of Spiritual LGBTQ+ College Students’ Ecological Systems—Kari E. Weaver & Jodi L. Linley

5) Embodied: Afrocentric Spiritual Identity Development of Black Femme Students Attending Predominantly White Institutions—e alexander

6) Creating My Borderlands: Queer and Muslim Identity Development Through a Scholarly Personal Narrative—Musbah Shaheen

7) A Tale of Two Sisters: A Phenomenological Study of Religious Conversion—Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif & Shima Hassan Zadeh

8) From the Outside Looking In: Personal Takeaways for Student Affairs Professionals Supporting the Christian Indian American College Student Life Cycle—Costin Thampikutty

9) (Re)Defining and (Re)Designing a Black Male Christian Identity—Michael Steven Williams, Ekaete E. Udoh, Amand L. Hardiman, & G. Preston Wilson

10) Narratives of Muslim International Identity Performance on College Campuses in the United States—Ayesha Yousafzai

11) Understanding Atheists, Stigma Management, and Christian Privilege Within University Environments: New Imperatives for Higher Education Leaders—Carrie Reisner & Thalia M. Mulvihill

12) Black Secular College Students: An Exploration of Margins—Gordon Maples & J. T. Snipes

13) College Students Narrating the Intersections of Disability and Their Religious Selves—Annemarie Vaccaro, Barbara M. Newman, & Ezekiel W. Kimball

Afterword—D.-L. Stewart

Contributors’ Biographies
