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Language: English
A 2022 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner
Critical Transformative Educational Leadership and Policy Studies - A Reader is a comprehensive collection of critical contributions from most of the leading voices in the fields of educational leadership and educational policy studies, pushing back against the current neoliberal authoritarian environment. The volume offers alternative ways to perceive and to formulate education leadership and policy from a critical transformative perspective. Individual chapters discuss such topics as social justice in education; poverty, race and public education; counter-hegemonic education movements; the privatization of schools; and school reform and advocacy leadership, among others, all from a critical perspective. It is a crucial and timely volume for educators, school administrators, educational leaders, social activists, and union leaders concerned with the current state of our universities and our education system.
Perfect for courses such as: Political Economy of Urban Education | Leadership and Policy Studies | Educational Policy and Reform | Politics of Education | Cultural Studies | Curriculum Theory and Development | Socio Historical Foundations | Indigenous Knowledges and Methodologies | Cultural Studies and Education
Critical Transformative Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
João M. Paraskeva
Part I
Neoliberal Political Economy of Education
Chapter 1
Market Democracy in a Neoliberal Order: Doctrines and Reality
Noam Chomsky
Chapter 2
Against Schooling: Education and Social Class
Stanley Aronowitz
Chapter 3
Rationality Crisis in Higher Education
Clyde Barrow
Chapter 4
Austerity Politics, Coercive Neoliberal Urbanism and the Challenge of Counter-Hegemonic Education Movements
Pauline Lipman
Chapter 5
The Failure of Corporate School Reform: Towards a New Common School Movement
Kenneth Saltman
Part II
Critical Transformative Leadership, Policy and Reform
Chapter 6
Effects on Inequality and Poverty versus Teachers and Schooling on America’s Youth
David Berliner
Chapter 7
Dominant Issues, Themes, and Prospects in the Education of Mexican Americans in the United States: An Overview
Cori Salmerón and Ángela Valenzuela
Chapter 8
Turn Around Schools: Towards Authentic School Reform: Eroding Authenticity and the Need for Advocacy Leadership
Gary Anderson
Chapter 9
Resisting and Rolling Back Neoliberalism: The Opt-Out Movement and Teachers’ Unions
David Hursh, Zhe Chen, and Sarah McGinnis
Chapter 10
Non-Rationality, Education, and the Ritual Performance of Sara Palin
Richard Quantz
Part III
Open up el padron colonial de poder
Chapter 11
Decolonizing University Leadership: Transforming What It Means to Lead
Antonia Darder
Chapter 12
Itinerant Curriculum Theory: An Epistemological Declaration of Independence
João M. Paraskeva
Chapter 13
Facing the Limits of Modern-Colonial Imaginaries
Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti
Chapter 14
Beyond US-Centered Multicultural Foundations
James Jupp and Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto
Chapter 15
From Paulo Freire to Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Democracy, Education and Emancipation
Ines Barbosa Oliveira
Part IV
Alternative ways to Think Alternatively
Chapter 16
What Is Really Taught as the Content of School Subjects? Teaching School Subjects as an Alchemy
Thomas Popkewitz
Chapter 17
Image Management? Sites of the Real, Visual Culture, and Digital Present-Futures in Education
Bernadette Baker
Chapter 18
Critical Transformative Leadership: Seeming to Change Only One Thing
John Willinsky
Chapter 19
Can Post-Structuralist and Neo-Marxist Approaches Be Joined? Building Composite Approaches in Critical Educational Theory and Research
Thomas Pedroni
Chapter 20
Education and Equality: Learning to Create a Community
Ana Sanches Bello
Part V
The Struggle to Democratize Education
Chapter 21
The Freirean Factor
Gustavo Fischman and Sandra R. Sales
Chapter 22
Teacher Education as an Inclusive Political Project
Jurjo Torres Santome
Chapter 23
Walkouts Teach U.S. Labor a New Grammar for Struggle
Lois Weiner
Chapter 24
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Learning to Teach Within the Context of Culture
Fernando Naiditch
Chapter 25
National Learning Standards, Global Agenda, and Teacher Education
Alvaro Moreira Hypolito
About the Author
“Critical Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies is a masterpiece in education for social justice and creative freedom, a crucial oeuvre for those really committed with the struggle for dignified living conditions for humanity. It is such critical education that these leading voices point to, which is represented in this work by an unrepentant educator, João M. Paraskeva. Thus, as eminent creators, they show the way of change—towards respect for life. Although the night of the world spread its darkness, the light of the sun will continue to shine! Of this, it is a commendable example, and this work is priceless."
Jacqueline Zapata, Universidade de Querétaro, México
“Judging from most of this book’s authors, the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth has put together an excellent series of talks involving some of the finest committed and progressive public intellectuals around. Thanks to their commitment and the efforts of João M. Paraskeva, himself a very inspiring and insightful public intellectual, their talks are now made available to a wider global public. As somebody ensconced in a Mediterranean island (Malta) I am grateful to Myers Education Press for extending the contents beyond North America. By drawing on a number of public intellectuals, not all easily identified with education as an area of specific enquiry, this book helps generate discussions around the connections between educational critiques (not just criticisms) and larger social-economic and political efforts sounding either discordant or complementary notes. This is a great book, quite refreshing and insightful in its scope.”
Peter Mayo, University of Malta
“Too many struggles against genocide, ecocide, epistemicide and omnicide that have emerged from the wheelhouse of the academy have been tragically undermined, not necessarily by the policy wonks themselves, but by the toxic fix of neoliberalism that for decades has been rushing through the veins of college planning councils and boards of trustees, turning universities and colleges into little more than ivy-covered crack houses where a fatal addiction to profit augmentation results in an ideological pathocracy more suited to hustling on the Vegas Strip than for the nourishment of critically transformative leadership and policy practices. Yet the struggle for democracy has not ceased, thanks to the efforts of João Paraskeva, his colleagues, and his comrades throughout the field of education. Which is why this magisterial collection of essays becomes so urgent. The essays included in this stellar collection can provide the necessary seedbed of ideas and practices for rethinking how to refashion our leadership and policy agendas for the refurbishing of a radical democracy for a post-pandemic era.”
Peter McLaren, Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Chapman University
“Critical Transformative Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is not only a call for international solidarity in critical times but also an example of it. Background to the book, there is a constructed community of ‘intellectual relatives’ when Paraskeva engaged the faculty and students at UMD in conversations with scholars and practitioners from different fields, thus modeling a critical transformative praxis, a microcosm of the community. This exceptional volume addresses real problems and emerging trends in education, matters on the intersection of politics and education, on critical issues concerning democracy such as the educational and curriculum epistemicide, public schooling, minorities, curriculum, teaching, and learning.”
Fatma Mizikaci, Ankara University, Turkey