David Lee Carlson
David Lee Carlson is an associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. He writes in the areas of Qualitative Inquiry, Queer Theory, and Curriculum Studies. His most recent articles appear in Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, International Journal of Research in Qualitative Inquiry, and Qualitative Inquiry.
Books by David Lee Carlson:

In a decidedly anti-intellectual moment, exemplified by such recent phenomena as denials of science, defunding of universities, and distrust of “facts,” Intra-Public Intellectualism examines the relationships among qualitative inquiry, truth telling and social activism.
With contributions from scholars and activists around the world, the book addresses three key tensions in the field of social inquiry. The first tension concerns the proliferation of digital environments and virtual spaces, exploring how the “public” in public intellectualism might be reconsidered. The second tension concerns the ongoing critiques of truth and subjectivity, exploring how these disruptions change the work of the intellectual. The third tension concerns the growing scientific and philosophical rejection of static material worlds, exploring what becomes of social responsibility and justice when agency extends beyond human subjects.
Intra-Public Intellectualism will be a must read for those interested in the roles of the intellectual in the academy and beyond and those keen on rethinking critical social inquiry for the twenty-first century.
Perfect for courses such as: Introduction to Qualitative Research | Critical Qualitative Inquiry and Critical Theory | Social Context and Education | Foundations of Education | Cultural Studies and Public Pedagogy | Curriculum Theory | Social Justice and Education | Advanced Qualitative Methodology | Interpretivist Inquiry | Posthumanist Inquiry | New Materialist Inquiry | Arts-Based InquiryLibrary E-Books
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