Kevin Kumashiro
Kevin Kumashiro is the former dean of the School of Education at the University of San Francisco. He was previously a professor of Asian American Studies and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and is the immediate past president of the National Association for Multicultural Education. He has taught many subjects to various grade levels in a wide variety of settings. Dr. Kumashiro received his Ph.D. in educational policy studies from the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2000. Kumashiro is also the founding director of the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education.
Books by Kevin Kumashiro:

Across the globe, students are speaking up, walking out, and marching for social and ecological justice. Despite deficit discourses about students, youth are using their voice and agency to call forth a better world. Will educators respond to this call to stand with students in relational solidarity as co-constructors of a new tomorrow? What is possible when teachers and students engage together in new ways? Pedagogies of With-ness: Students, Teachers, Voice and Agency offers insight into the transformative possibilities of education when enacted as the art of being with. Driven by student voices and their experiences of marginalization, this text takes a clear ethical stance. It asserts that students are both capable and competent. Taking a narrative approach, this book honors academic work that is rooted in educational practice. Expanding beyond traditional conceptions of student voice, chapters engage in meditations on three themes: identity, pedagogy, and partnership. This book is an exploration of with-ness, a way of knowing, being, and acting. By centralizing the all-too-often suppressed wisdom of youth, teachers and researchers engage in new forms of critique and possibility-making with students. Editors reflect on this central theme, exploring the dimensions of such pedagogies of with-ness. Through this book, teachers are invited to imagine pedagogy under this new framework, actively committed to students, their voice, and mutual engagement.
Click HERE to watch the Pedagogies of With-ness book discussion.
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