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Language: English
This volume engages researchers with the notion of critical qualitative inquiry (CQI) as a direct practice of resistance. As female educators and researchers who have (through our politically activist sister) been referred to as “Nasty Women” in the US presidential debates, we believe that it is our responsibility to respond through our inquiry to the violent reinscription of intersecting forms of injustice and marginalization. The purposes of this volume are therefore (1) to demonstrate personal actions taken by researchers to deal with thoughts/feelings of despair as well as how to move toward survival, and (2) to explore historical, new, and rethought research and activist methodologies (frameworks) as counter measures broadly and for public education specifically. Examples of CQI as resistance in response to the particular neoliberal patriarchal, whitelash presidential election event are provided by featured authors. Additionally, resources related to activist scholarship are provided. These frameworks, resources, and perspectives are also useful for future research in reaction to neoliberalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy.
Perfect for courses such as: Qualitative Research, Curriculum Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Race and Ethnic Studies, Sociology of Education, Social Justice and Education, Democracy and Civics, Community Engagement, Policy Studies, Critical Race Theory, Intersectional Studies, Posthuman Inquiry, and Activism and Performance Inquiry.
1. Research and Struggles in the Contemporary Political World—Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln
2. Difficult Love: Preparations of a Warrior—M. Francyne Huckaby
3. “Unbought and Unbossed”: On Being Black, Woman, and Transgressive in the Fight for Justice—Valerie Kinloch
4. Sanity on the Chopping Block, or How to Save Yourself in an Insane World—Yvonna S. Lincoln
5. Shuffling the Deck: The “Woman Card,” Misogyny, and Material-Discursive Complexities of “Identities” —Janet L. Miller
6. Resisting Patriarchy: Explorations Using a Collaborative Protest Play—Gaile S. Cannella
7. Resources for Becomingswith Activism, Research, and Contemporary Politics—Gaile S. Cannella and Yvonna S. Lincoln