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Language: English
This text provides a unique collection of case studies across a wide range of organizations (higher education, K-12 education, military, state and local government administration, non-profit institutions, and agency management, etc.). These cases examine ethical decision-making and organizational and leadership behavioral concepts that are practiced in these organizations. The cases cover topics facing our workforce today and ask the reader to solve the dilemma. Through a discussion of these cases, students apply decision making and organizational and leadership strategies to analyze each case and therefore gain a better understanding of how to effectively lead and manage within their organizations. This text challenges students to think critically and analytically. Students are encouraged to reflect on options a practitioner could use to solve the problem. All of the cases end with an open scenario and a set of questions, allowing students to offer a wide range of opinions and participate in reflective and robust discussions.
Perfect for courses such as:
Introduction to Ethics | Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making | Principles of Ethical Leadership
Ethical Organizations: Principles and Application | Introduction to Organizational Change
About the Editor
Part I: K –12 Education
Claudia Coughran
Case study:
1.1 Principal for the Day
Niki T. Newman-Brown
1.2 Is It Policy or Favor?
Rebecca Loboschefsky
1.3 Can One Woman Make a Difference?
Claudia Coughran
1.4 The Honest Teacher
Michael Blanco
1.5 A Bully Boss or Just Doing the Job?
Silvia Ramirez
1.6 Restorative Practices
Shawntee Reed
1.7 He Said, She Said
Niki T. Newman-Brown
1.8 Football Is King
Claudia Coughran
1.9 The Manager Who Retaliates
Michael Blanco
1.10 A Predicament: Promotions and Team Conflict
Helena Young
1.11 Educational Choices
Catherine Crouse Barnes
Part II: Higher Education
Silvia Ramirez
Case study:
2.1 Teaching Implicit Bias in Public Education
Richard Greggory Johnson III
2.2 Who Gets the Scholarship?
Jay Le Roux Dillon
2.3 Lack of Recruiting Disclosure
Jamie Williams
2.4 Faculty-Student Relationship
Mitchell Friedman
2.5 Board Gone Wild—When Ethics Don’t Matter
Stanford Simmons
2.6 Senior Management Challenge
Jamie Williams
Part III: Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Marie Roberts De La Parra
Case study:
3.1 Battling Board Members
Mitchell Friedman
3.2 The Big Easy
Jason Mitchell
3.3 Coming Up Short: The Challenge of Food Stashing
Janith Norman
3.4 Promoting from Within
Jay Le Roux Dillon
3.5 The Nonconsequentialist Leader
Marie Roberts De La Parra
3.6 No Need to Rush
Cynthia Mitchell
3.7 Keeping Secrets
Candy Smolik
3.8 The Paying Public and Private Problems
Candy Smolik
Part IV: Government and Law Enforcement
Tyree Robinson
Case study:
4.1 Dignity, Sweetheart Deals, and Politics
Janith Norman
4.2 Management Accountability
Tyree Robinson
4.3 Who’s Really Being Served?
Matthew Escover
4.4 Dirty Deeds
Dominic Yin
4.5 Acceptable Racism
Tyree Robinson
Part V: Corporate America
Tommy Moreno and Marion Moreno
Case study:
5.1 The Case of the Missing Performance Reviews
Susan R. Stryker and James B. Stryker
5.2 Sponge Management—Compassionate Leader or Colluder?
Beverly Davis
5.3 Cultural Sensitivity
Shawntee Reed
5.4 Misbehaving or Misunderstanding?
Harold Wilson
5.5 Ethics During a Crisis
Mel Davis
5.6 No Pressure—Hire My Son
Tommy L. Moreno
5.7 What’s the Harm—To Share or Not to Share?
Marion C. Moreno
5.8 Forced Ethics
Mel Davis
5.9 Leadership Lessons Learned
Brad Hatton
5.10 Moving Manufacturing to India
Susan R. Stryker and James B. Stryker
5.11 Managing Work Force Diversity
Melvinia King
Part VI: Health Industry
Patricia Mitchell
Case study:
6.1 Equal Pay for Equal Work
Veronica Knott
6.2 English-Only Workplace Policies
Jonathan Pettey
List of Contributors
"By including thoughtful and extremely difficult questions to ponder at the end of a chapter, the book challenges the reader to think more deeply about ethical decision making, the potential consequences of unethical decision making and the ethical dilemmas that may arise. With 43 case studies to read and to reflect upon, the reader will most certainly benefit from this text and may even be able to relate to a few of the case studies on a more personal level as it applies to their respective setting. This book would serve well those professors charged with preparing aspiring education leaders. Finally, this book would be an excellent choice for a leadership book study within a school district."
Review excerpt by Denver J. Fowler for School Administrator (September 2020 issue)
"Leadership is one of those elusive notions that everyone believes they can explain but few actually know how to command. Patricia Mitchell has done us a wonderful service as well as increased our knowledge base and understanding of the nuances of decision‐making across many fields and professions. I suspect it will become a standard text in leadership courses everywhere."
Gloria Ladson‐Billings, President, National Academy of Education
"Knowledgeably compiled and deftly edited, Ethical Decision-Making: Cases in Organization and Leadership provides a unique collection of case studies across a wide range of organizations (higher education, K-12 education, military, state and local government administration, non-profit institutions, and agency management, etc.). Collectively, these cases examine ethical decision-making and organizational and leadership behavioral concepts that are practiced in these organizations. The individual cases cover topics facing our workforce today and ask the reader to solve the dilemma. Through a discussion of these cases, students apply decision making and organizational and leadership strategies to analyze each case and therefore gain a better understanding of how to effectively lead and manage within their organizations. Students are encouraged to reflect on options a practitioner could use to solve the problem. All of the cases end with an open scenario and a set of questions, allowing students to offer a wide range of opinions and participate in reflective and robust discussions."
Julie Summers, MBR Bookwatch: September 2019
“The intriguing cases make the book highly readable. It never gets bogged down in jargon. The cases show how seemingly abstract ethical decision-making can be understood in concrete, practical terms. The book is never boring.” (Click HERE to read the full review.)
Yinying Wang, Georgia State University, for Teachers College Record, ID Number: 23607, 2/22/21