Insurgent Social Studies
Scholar-Educators Disrupting Erasure and Marginality
Published: June 2022
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Published: June 2022

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Published: June 2022
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6" x 9"
Language: English

A 2023 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner

Social studies education over its hundred-year history has often focused on predominantly white and male narratives. This has not only been detrimental to the increasingly diverse population of the U.S., but it has also meant that social studies as a field of scholarship has systematically excluded and marginalized the voices, teaching, and research of women, scholars of color, queer scholars, and scholars whose politics challenge the dominant traditions of history, geography, economics, and civics education.

Insurgent Social Studies intervenes in the field of social studies education by highlighting those whose work has often been deemed “too radical.” Insurgent Social Studies is essential reading to all researchers and practitioners in social studies, and is perfect as an adopted text in the social studies curriculum at Colleges of Education.

Perfect for courses such as:  Foundations of Education │ Social Studies Methods │ Multicultural Education │ Critical Studies of Education │ Culturally Relevant Pedagogy │ Social Education

Table of Contents:

We Won’t Wait Any Longer: An Introduction and Invitation to Insurgency for Social Studies
Natasha Hakimali Merchant, Sarah B. Shear, and Wayne Au

Chapter 1
Insurgence Must Be Red: Connecting Indigenous Studies and Social Studies Education for Anticolonial Praxis
The Turtle Island Social Studies Collective

Chapter 2
Solidarity Is a Verb: What the Black Lives Matter Movement Can Teach Social Studies About the Intersectional Fight Against Anti-Black Racism
Tiffany Mitchell Patterson

Chapter 3
The Audacity of Equality: Disrupting the Distortion of Asian America in Social Studies
Noreen Naseem Rodríguez and Esther June Kim

Chapter 4
“Existence is Resistance”: Palestine and Palestinians in Social Studies Education
H. Shatara

Chapter 5
Insurgente: A Familia in Conversation About Latinxs Voices in the Field of Social Studies
La Familia Aponte-Safe Tirado Díaz Beltrán Ender Busey Christ 

Chapter 6
Unsatisfied: The Conceptual Terrain of De-Essentializing Islam in Social Studies
Natasha Hakimali Merchant

Chapter 7
Queer Worlding as Historical Inquiry for Insurgent Freedom-Dreaming
Tadashi Dozono

Chapter 8
Democracy Is Interdisciplinary: The Case for Radical Civic Innovation Across Content Areas

Antero Garcia, Nicole Mirra, and Mark Gomez

Chapter 9
Cultural Bombs and Dangerous Classes: Social Studies Education as State Apparatus in the War on Terror
Jennice McCafferty-Wright

Chapter 10
Whiteness and White Responsibility in Social Studies
Andrea M. Hawkman

Insurgent Social Studies and Dangerous Citizenship
E. Wayne Ross

About the Authors


NOTE: Table of contents subject to change up to publication date.

Reviews & Endorsements:

“Why and how social studies education has continued to fail to serve as a curriculum of humanity and justice for all children is laid bare by Insurgent Social Studies: Scholar-Educators Disrupting Erasure and Marginality. Neither natural nor inevitable, social studies that serves the status quo of white settler supremacy is always promoted by those who benefit from it. In this unapologetically insurgent book, the most important scholar-educators of our time name the beneficiaries of this system and guide us to take back the curriculum that has harmed our children and communities for far too long. Join the struggle. The time for insurgency is NOW!”

Sohyun An, Professor of Social Studies Education, Kennesaw State University

“The call for a more radical social studies has been clear since even before the field’s existence. Insurgent Social Studies is building from the radical tradition of scholars and teachers from historically and systemically excluded backgrounds who have used the classroom to challenge how humanity is defined. For the editors and authors of this book, they seek not for approval or permission from the social studies establishment, which for far too long has straddled the fence with those who want power and exhibit hegemony. The book forces us to rethink and reconsider what is social studies education. Insurgent outlines an ideological and pedagogical revolution with teachers, students, professors, and parents. The time is not to surrender or curtail from political pressure but to continue to do what is right for our children and citizens alike. Insurgent Social Studies will be a timeless classic that will influence social studies education for many years.”

LaGarrett J. King, Associate Professor, Social Studies Education Director, Center for K-12 Black History and Racial Literacy Education, University at Buffalo

Insurgent Social Studies: Scholar-Educators Disrupting Erasure and Marginality is a powerful and timely volume on Critical Social Studies Education. The authors of this book provide a diverse assortment of chapters, all seeking to theorize, conceptualize and challenge majoritarian stories told about history education and social studies as a whole. This book is a must-read for all educators inside and outside the academy committed to insurgent pedagogy.”

Anthony Brown, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and the Center for African and African American Studies, University of Texas, Austin