Wayne Au

A former public high school teacher, Wayne Au is a Professor in the School of Educational Studies and is currently serving as the Dean of Diversity & Equity for the University of Washington Bothell. He is a long-time editor for the social justice teaching magazine, Rethinking Schools, and his work focuses on both academic and public scholarship about high-stakes testing, charter schools, teaching for social justice, and anti-racist education. Recently, Dr. Au has been working in the Seattle area to support Black Lives Matter and Ethnic Studies in Seattle Schools and surrounding districts. His recent books include Rethinking Ethnic Studies (co-edited with Tolteka Cuahatin, Miguel Zavala, & Christine Sleeter, 2019), Teaching for Black Lives (co-edited with Dyan Watson and Jesse Hagopian, 2018), A Marxist Education (2018) and Reclaiming the Multicultural Roots of the U.S. Curriculum (coauthored with Anthony Brown and Dolores Calderon, 2016). He was honored with the UWB Distinguished Teaching Award in 2015, given the William H. Watkins award for scholar activism from the Society of Professors of Education in 2017, and was honored with the Distinguished K-12 Educational Leader Award from the Evergreen State College MiT program in 2019.

Books by Wayne Au:

Insurgent Social Studies
Scholar-Educators Disrupting Erasure and Marginality

A 2023 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner

Social studies education over its hundred-year history has often focused on predominantly white and male narratives. This has not only been detrimental to the increasingly diverse population of the U.S., but it has also meant that social studies as a field of scholarship has systematically excluded and marginalized the voices, teaching, and research of women, scholars of color, queer scholars, and scholars whose politics challenge the dominant traditions of history, geography, economics, and civics education.

Insurgent Social Studies intervenes in the field of social studies education by highlighting those whose work has often been deemed “too radical.” Insurgent Social Studies is essential reading to all researchers and practitioners in social studies, and is perfect as an adopted text in the social studies curriculum at Colleges of Education.

Perfect for courses such as:  Foundations of Education │ Social Studies Methods │ Multicultural Education │ Critical Studies of Education │ Culturally Relevant Pedagogy │ Social Education

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