James Salvo

James M. Salvo’s research interests are in systems of information, communications, data ethics, podcasting as scholarly discourse, and technology as an educational context. He teaches qualitative research methods at Wayne State University.

Books by James Salvo:

Culturally Relevant Storytelling in Qualitative Research
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Examined through a Research Lens

This volume brings together work developing storytelling and narrative as an educational methodological framework. Chapters foreground scholarship that helps promote creating change, both educational and societal, through the use of critical storytelling regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ). These include both narratives of challenges and possibilities that educators sometimes encounter in research spaces when intentionally centering DEIJ in their educational practice. Chapters also pay close attention to research ethics and explore epistemological alternatives and attempt to find ways toward generative dialogue regarding the reception and implementation of culturally-relevant pedagogy. This collection offers much sustained reflection on shared and sharable ways of knowing that interrogate the very philosophical foundations of education, pointing us to ever-more equitable futures.

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Qualitative Research in the Time of COVID
Lessons Learned and Opportunities Presented During a Pandemic

Qualitative Research in the Time of COVID: Lessons Learned and Opportunities Presented During a Pandemic focuses broadly upon educational issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapters make note of how contextual understandings are important for the future of researchers, especially when those contexts involve inequality made more acute since the pandemic. The chapters illustrate the importance of creating a climate of care based upon the principles of care ethics, and also examine projects that could be taken in the context of necessary self-care during challenging times. Chapters address the climate of caring in both in-person and online educational spaces and what it means to support students in an expanded conception of classroom space. In discussions ranging from exemplars of arts-based, personal narrative to completing a dissertation during a pandemic, chapters share both the immensity of the challenges and the rewards of productive and meaningful work both domestically and internationally. In the context of the living taking place after the pandemic’s coming into being as an event, this volume humbly offers writings as documents of remembrance of our historical present, offering with the hope that the historical may continue to move forward with an ethics of care ever in the foreground.

Qualitative Research in the Time of COVID is perfect for such courses as Qualitative Research, Qualitative Inquiry, Ethnography, Teacher Education, Action Research, and Educational Research.

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In what ways can performance be mobilized to resist? This is the question that the present volume explores from within the context of qualitative research. From an arts-based approach, authors suggest methods on how artistic practice resists. The volume addresses how critical performance autoethnography might retain its ethical and democratic potential without falling into dogmatism or hegemony. This vision for democracy can even be accomplished through improvised, process-centered pieces that weave together thoughts from several key scholars, all to give us a critical perspective on how performative autoethnography is paradigmatically situated. The performance texts collected here question and resist, showing how the experience of art-making can move us through political and public spaces with liberatory potential, challenging social and ideological hegemonies and to generate social movements. Imaginative arts-based practices allow us access to emotional and embodied phenomena that remain otherwise foreclosed by traditional forms of inquiry. From poetics to public performances, subversive interventions, and more, these chapters bring a radical performative discourse to the fore. In so doing, the chapters work to create a framework for just performance, showing us how we might live performance as resistance.

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What can it mean to resist in these troubled times, and how can we do so through theory? This volume presents novel ideas on how to accomplish this in the context of the field of qualitative research. The authors show us how we might go beyond pre-existing, systematized research methodologies to find our way. They challenge us to go beyond facile modes of thought and slow down any mechanistic practices of research, a slowing that can be surprisingly generative regarding pedagogy and knowledge production. The articles think through theories such as ones theorizing the postcolonial for the purpose of responding to global hegemony regarding institutional experiences of academe. They engage with practices of new materialism and show the multiform ways in which theory can be a companion to us in our journey of research. Further, the articles question hold-overs from humanist and modernist thought so that we might perform an inclusive pedagogy. Rather than falling into the cynical view that the world is too troubled to change, this volume presents a sound vision that we have no option but to engage in theoretical practice, for now, there’s no time not to think.

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The chapters in this volume collect together perspectives on Indigenous epistemologies. These Indigenous ways of knowing pay particular attention to the relational aspects of language, culture, and place. They are not identified as specific themes, but as integrated parts of a philosophy, for Indigenous epistemologies think within a relational framework, so that all aspects are best understood from this perspective. Indigenous ways of knowing have resisted colonization and oppression, and as such, Indigenous research perspectives exemplify a commitment to social justice, one that recovers knowledges that have been silenced or subjugated. When such knowledge is shared, we can see how to challenge oppressive regimes. We can see how to seek truth in a relational way that’s attendant to being together. Indigenous Research takes up issues of social justice in a way that is informed by Indigenous epistemologies, an important practice in contemporary research, particularly qualitative inquiry.

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This volume on arts-based research explores the transformative power of arts for qualitative inquiry and beyond. The chapters address multiple approaches from within arts-based research and suggest that art can be mobilized to reorient the political, especially when we find the political aim straying from its proper target of truth and justice. Artistic representation is never an end in itself, for the goal is to change the way we think about people and their lives. Arts-based research makes the world visible in new and different ways, in ways ordinary scholarly writing does not allow. The Arts develops a utopian idea of belonging, illustrating how moments of history, biography, culture, politics and lived experience come together in the aesthetic. Ultimately, the content of the book examines how artistic insights resonate in arts-based research, something that not only gives us criteria for assessing the quality of ethical engagement in arts-based research practice, but also provides a conceptual framework for living more just lives through art.

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